被Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会认可的教员

By Eric Devlin
Dr. Catherine Parzynski, a History Assistant Professor, 是因完成培训成为Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)国际荣誉协会Alpha Kappa Zeta分会的五星级顾问而获得认可. Photo by Eric Devlin

Dr. 历史学助理教授凯瑟琳·帕金斯基(Catherine Parzynski)因完成了这项研究而获奖 成为Phi的Alpha Kappa Zeta分会五星级顾问的培训 Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society. Photo by Eric Devlin

蒙哥马利县社区学院(MCCC)的一位教员最近获得了表彰 作为阿尔法·卡帕·泽塔分会的顾问 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)国际两年制学院荣誉协会

Dr. Catherine ParzynskiHistory Assistant Professor Dr. 来自哈特菲尔德的Catherine Parzynski最近完成了 成为集团五星级顾问的培训. She will receive a certificate 别上她的徽章,在全国组织的下一届年会上获得认可 convention in April.

Dr. 帕金斯基来自波科诺斯山脉一个叫麦迪逊维尔的小镇, about 25 minutes outside of Scranton. She holds her bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate from Lehigh University. 她的博士论文关注的是女性治疗师的角色 在美国从殖民时期到内战期间.

她于2000年进入MCCC担任兼职讲师,并于2007年被聘为全职讲师. Dr. Parzynski是目前的学科协调员 History 政治科学和教师工会的秘书.

她说,在完成PTK在线课程以获得五星级顾问身份后 她非常自豪,并从她的学生在他们的生活中所经历的事情中学到了很多 leadership development courses as well.

“我认为这对我来说是最大的收获,因为现在我明白了那种感觉 让学生们参加他们的领导力发展课程。. “When 他们做到了,我们的分会很幸运因为我们一直都有学生,不管 他们是专职的官员或学生,我们不一定会在会议上见到他们 谁通过这些课程来达到我们五星级的要求. It was valuable. It reminds you what it was like to be a student.”


“我认为,成为五星俱乐部的一员会有更多的机会 for engagement,” she said. “希望有更多的联系点 推荐信或听说奖学金或实习机会. We try to get as much 让学生和会员了解PTK的好处.”

Dr. Parzynski commended for years of service to PTKDr. 自2008年春季以来,Parzynski一直担任该集团的联合顾问. When the opportunity 第一次加入时,她记得学生时代成为会员是多么有趣 她本科的时候就参加了一个历史荣誉协会她觉得她也可以提供类似的服务 experiences to students.

“人们来来去去,”她说,“但定期互动很有趣 with the students.”

There’re two students she will always remember.

“PTK的第一任主席,学生主席,他的名字是 Michael Rosa,” she said. “There was a scholarship in his name. He passed away after his time at Montco. But his parents endowed a scholarship here. So, Michael was wonderful. That’s one end of the spectrum.”

另一位是特拉维斯·阿克曼(Travis Ackerman),他现在是亚利桑那州的一名校长. He and Dr. Parzynski have stayed in touch through Facebook.  

看着学生们成长为领导者是一件很重要的事情. Parzynski said she 最喜欢为团队提供建议,并发现与学生一起庆祝是有益的 when they move on to the next phase of their lives. “It’s satisfying to think to yourself 我在帮助别人迈向下一步的过程中发挥了一点作用,”她说.

多年来,PTK领导了一些令人难以置信的服务项目. Dr. Parzynski said one 一年级的学生收集豆豆娃娃,并把它们送给海外的军人 to hand out to children in areas of active conflict. The organization once collected sandals for people in Haiti after an earthquake.

“We’ve done don’t text and drive,” she said. “We’ve done a lot of mental health projects, especially because of COVID. 学生们需要它,因为世界颠倒了. So, yeah, it’s fun.”

PTK students say Dr. Parzynski付出了巨大的努力,她值得这样做 be recognized.

“I will say Dr. 帕琴斯基在让大家团结在一起方面发挥了重要作用 constantly telling us what is needed,” said Liberal Studies 该分会负责公共关系的副主席克里斯蒂娜·史密斯少校说. She’s 总是付出额外的努力来帮助学生取得成功,不仅仅是为了五星级的地位, 但她真的很关心每个学生最大的潜力.”

“Dr. Parzynski真的很关心学生的成功。 Business Administration major Alayna Berkebile. “She’s helped with so many things. Within PTK, she’s been 非常勤奋地确保我们计划好了恒星的各个点. What we have to do to acquire that status. She doesn’t make it seems like a chore. She’s the one who 承担了大部分的工作,让我们尽可能的轻松.”

Baking and Pastry Arts 凯瑟琳·博伊尔少校称帕琴斯基是该分会的“骨干”.

“PTK是一个机会,与那些在学术和社会上努力的人在一起 a difference in the world,” said Boyle. “Dr. Parzynski embraces that and helps us 拥抱这一点,我们很感激我们有机会这样做.”

MCCC有两个PTK分会-蓝铃校区的Alpha Kappa Zeta和Beta Tau Lambda at the Pottstown Campus. Both chapters have attained five-star status, the highest rank a chapter can earn. Dr. Parzynski and Dr. Cathy Hoult Shewring, History 教授,是阿尔法·卡帕·泽塔的顾问,还有道格拉斯·鲍威尔,历史助理 教授和传播研究讲师梅雷迪思·弗兰克是顾问 for Beta Tau Lambda.

为了有资格成为PTK会员的精英荣誉,学生必须达到最低要求 of 12 credits, maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and be of good moral character.

有可能加入PTK的邀请将在二月份发给学生. The Alpha 卡帕·泽塔分会将于4月10日下午5点举行入会仪式.m. in Parkhouse Hall. For more information, contact Dr. Catherine Parzynski.